How Many Wedding Dresses Do You Need? I saw where JLo had 5 dresses to wed Ben Afflack. What is that really all about? We are a society hooked on weird fashionistas like a bride with 5 dresses or the the Kardashians who only where leather and rubber. Is that really the look for the modern woman? Heh, I’m happy just to get into my Crazy Larry pants that don’t have a zipper! The thought of leather pants or a rubber dress gives me the dry heaves! What happened to matching sweater sets? Just when I finally lose enough weight through WW to zip up some boots, now they want me to wear boots that are attached to your tights!! Help me! What happens when I need to go to the bathroom? That’s just a sight I don’t want to envision! And pray tell me-what does Kim K do about that as well? Inquiring minds want to know. OK-back to my elastic waist pants!